Wod del 26 Giugno 2015
FOR TIME – TIME CAP 45′ 5K Run M.E. Burpees Every Burpees remove 1′ by the total time of Run.
FOR TIME – TIME CAP 45′ 5K Run M.E. Burpees Every Burpees remove 1′ by the total time of Run.
10 RFT 5 CTB Pull Up 5 Push Press @ 40/25 Kg 10 Barbell Lounge @ 40/25 Kg Cash Out: 5′ AMRAP – Couple WB Sit Up.
Sabato 27 alle ore 11,00 faremo una classe di prova gratuita. Per partecipare lascia un messaggio in questo post!
FOR TIME 40 DB H. Snatch @15/10 Kg 40 TTB 40 Step Up @15/10 Kg 40 DB THR @ 15/10 Kg Time Cap. 21’00”
STRENGTH 15′ To Find 4 Rep ME Front Squat F.F. METCON 5 RNFT – TIME CAP 15′ ME Press @40/25 Kg 10 WB @9/6 Score Tot Press.
AMRAP 3′ Wall Climb 1′ Rest 4′ Lounge 1′ Rest 5′ Burpees Pull Up 1′ Rest 6′ DU SCORE: Tot Rep
AMRAP 23′ TEAM OF 2 – I go You go RUN 200 Mt A. SWING @24/16 kg BURPEES BOX JUMP OVER