Classe Extra del 25 aprile 2015
4 RFT 6 Squat Clean @50/35kg 12 DB Snatch @15/10kg 18 OH Plate Walking Lounges @10/5kg
4 RFT 6 Squat Clean @50/35kg 12 DB Snatch @15/10kg 18 OH Plate Walking Lounges @10/5kg
FOR TIME 21 -15 – 9 Hang Power Clean @40/25 Double Unders 400 Mt Run Each Set
AMRAP 16′ 3HSPU 6 Feet Suspension Ring Row 12 Burpees Cash Out: 6′ EMOM 30″ Plank Position
NON MOLLIAMO MAI!! Sabato 25 Aprile, il Box sarà aperto. -Ore 11,00 classe prova gratuita (per partecipare lasciare un messaggio in questo post) – Ore 13,00 Classe Extra Enjoy the Pain!
AMRAP 16′ 50 Double Unders 40 Thruster Empty Bar 30 Pull Up 20 American Swing 10 Ring Dip
Strength 12′ to find 3 rep of P. Jerk (M.E) Wod 7′ Amrap Wall ball 9/6kg Score is tot WB