Mese: Marzo 2016

Wod del 10 Marzo 2015

EMOM 24′ Minute 1: 5 Thruster @40/25 kg Minute 2: 10 TTB Minute 3: 15 Box Jump Over – 24”/20” Score is tot rep completed. Cash Out: ME Hollow Hold

Wod del 09 Marzo 2016

For Time 100 DU 21 OHS @ 40/25 Kg 21 Push Jerk BTN @ 40/25 Kg 10 Ring Dip 15 OHS @ 40/25 Kg 15 Push Jerk BTN @ 40/25 KG 10 Ring Dip 9 OHS @ 40/25 Kg 9 Push Jerk BTN @ 40/25 KG 10 Ring Dip 100 DU

Wod del 08 Marzo 2016

For Time 3 Squat Snatch @ 40/25 Kg 40 Burpee 6 Squat Snatch 30 Burpee 8 Squat snatch 20 Burpee 10 Squat Snatch 10 Burpee Cash Out: 3 x 12 Pendlay Row @40/25 Kg Rest 1′

Classe Extra di Sabato 03 Marzo 2016

CrossFit Games Open  16.2 Beginning on a 4-minute clock, complete as many reps as possible of: 25 toes-to-bars 50 double-unders 15 squat cleans, 135 / 85 lb. If completed before 4 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to: 25 toes-to-bars 50 double-unders 13 squat cleans, 185 / 115 lb. If completed before […]

Wod del 04 Marzo 2016

2 Team Wod for 10 Cycle – change every 2′ Team A : Atlas Stone Ground to Sholuder @ 30/20 Kg Team B : Barbell Cluster @ 50/35 Kg Change every rep

Wod del 03 Marzo 2016

For Time 30 Pull Up 40 Box Jump @24”/20” 15 Pull Up 40 Box Jump @24”/20” 10 Pull Up 40 Box Jump @24”/20” Cash Out: 3 x 1′ Bands Arm strench

Wod del 01 Marzo 2016

5 Round for reps of 1′ Deadlift @ 60/35 Kg 1′ Pistol Squat 1′ Strict Knee to Elbow Cash Out: 1 X Max Rep UB Ring Dip 2 X 50 % Max + 3 Rep