Wod del 03 Luglio 2015
25′ To Work Rope Climbe METCON 5 RFT 4 HSPU 8 Knees To Elbows 12 Step Up
25′ To Work Rope Climbe METCON 5 RFT 4 HSPU 8 Knees To Elbows 12 Step Up
AMRAP 20′ 4′ AMRAP: Cal Row 4′ AMRAP: WB @ 9/6 Kg 4′ AMRAP: Hang Power Clean @ 40/25 Kg 4′ AMRAP: KTLB Deadlift @ 32/24 Kg 4′ AMRAP: DB Push Press @ 10/5 Kg
15′ To find 3 Rep ME Thruster F.R. METCON AMRAP 12′ 20 DU 20 Box Jump -24’/20′ 20 KTLB One Arm Swing @ 24/16 Kg
AMRAP 16′ 100 Burpees Then in remaning time amrap of: Cindy Score: Tot Round Cindy
Sabato 4 Luglio alle ore 11.00, puoi provare il CrossFit. Per partecipare è sufficiente lasciare un commento in questo post.
FOR TIME 20 P. Snatch @40/25 Kg 100 Mt Run With Plate @20/10 Kg 15 P. Snatch 200 Mt Run With Plate 10 P. Snatch 300 Mt Run With Plate 5 P. Snatch 400 Mt Run With Plate
5 RFT 10 P. Clean @40/25 kg 12 Box Jump – 24’/20′ 15 WB @9/6 kg
FOR TIME – TIME CAP 45′ 5K Run M.E. Burpees Every Burpees remove 1′ by the total time of Run.
10 RFT 5 CTB Pull Up 5 Push Press @ 40/25 Kg 10 Barbell Lounge @ 40/25 Kg Cash Out: 5′ AMRAP – Couple WB Sit Up.